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There is a good chance that your entire configuration shape might be inferred by typescript automatically.

import {ResolvedConfig, type} from '@pallad/config';

export function createConfig() {
// return configuration shape
return {
mailer: {
email: env('EMAIL_FROM'),
smtp: {
port: env('EMAIL_SMTP_PORT').transform(,
password: env('EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD').defaultTo(undefined)

export type Config = ResolvedConfig<ReturnType<typeof createConfig>>;

// typescript infers shape of config to
mailer: {
email: string;
smtp: {
port: number;
password: string | undefined

Then you can reuse the resolved configuration shape later

export function createMailer(config: Config['mailer']) { // string
config.smtp.password // string | undefined

Inferring problems

If for some reason config shape cannot be properly inferred then please ensure that .default() and/or .transform() is being called and transform function has valid return type.

export function createConfig() {
return {
ssl: {
// we cannot infer shape of JSON
config: env('SSL_CONFIG').transform(JSON.parse)

const config = loadSync(createConfig());

// looks fine for typescript, but there is no such property;
function parseSSLConfig(config: string) {
const result = JSON.parse(config);
// parse and validate it

return {
privateKey: result.privateKey as string,
publicKey: result.publicKey as string
export function createConfig() {
return {
ssl: {
config: env('SSL_CONFIG').transform(parseSSLConfig)

const config = loadSync(createConfig());

// now it fails as it should;