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Providers presets

Providers presets are helpers that bundles few providers into one for easier usage.

Env + Envfile + SSM

Attempts to take value from environment variables, env file variables and in the end from AWS Parameter Store.


npm install @pallad/config-preset-env-ssm


import {createPreset} from '@pallad/config-preset-env-ssm';

const param = createPreset({
// defines configuration for envFile provider, if not provided then envfile will be ignored
envFile: {
files: ['.env'],
// defines configuration for SSM, if not provided then ssm will be ignored
ssm: {
prefix: '/env/prod'

General usage

param({env: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD', ssm: 'database/password'}).secret();

This fella attempts to load value from:

  • env variable DATABASE_PASSWORD
  • if that fails then try to load DATABASE_PASSWORD from envfiles
  • if that fails then try to load env/prod/database/password from SSM

At the end wraps value with secret.

Other cases

Use only env variables and envfile. Ignore SSM.

param({env: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'})

Use only SSM, ignore env and envfile.

param({ssm: 'database/password'})

Env + Envfile + AWS Secret Manager

Attempts to take value from environment variables, env file variables and in the end from AWS Secret Manager.


npm install @pallad/config-preset-env-aws-secret-manager


import {createPreset} from '@pallad/config-preset-env-aws-secret-manager';

const param = createPreset({
// defines configuration for envFile provider, if not provided then envfile will be ignored
envFile: {
files: ['.env'],
// defines configuration for AWS Secret Manager, if not provided then AWS Secret Manager will be ignored
secretManager: {
prefix: '/env/prod'

General usage

param({env: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD', secretReference: {name: 'database', property: 'password'}}).secret();

This fella attempts to load value from:

  • env variable DATABASE_PASSWORD
  • if that fails then try to load DATABASE_PASSWORD from envfiles
  • if that fails then try to load env/prod/database secret from AWS Secret Manager and extract property password from it

At the end wraps value with secret.

Other cases

Use only env variables and envfile. Ignore AWS Secret Manager.

param({env: 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'})

Use only AWS Secret manager, ignore env and envfile.

param({secretReference: {name: 'database', property: 'password'}});

Custom preset

It is very easy to define your own preset. Let's use one from advanced config example that loads values from TOML files and AWS Secret Manager is value is not provided in TOML.

import { info } from "@pallad/app-env";
import { secretManagerProviderFactory } from "@pallad/config-aws-secret-manager";
import { tomlProviderFactory } from "@pallad/config-toml";
import { FirstAvailableProvider } from "@pallad/config";

export function createConfig() {

const toml = tomlProviderFactory({
files: [
{ path: `./config/${}.toml`, required: false },

const secretManager = secretManagerProviderFactory({
prefix: `/${}/`,

// generator is a really nice way to define preset
function* tomlAndSecretManagerGenerator(key: string) {
// always read from toml (to allow override)
yield toml(key);

// take from secret manager (for production and staging only)
if ("production", "staging")) {
yield secretManager({name: key});

function tomlAndSecretManager(key: string) {
return new FirstAvailableProvider(...tomlAndSecretManagerGenerator(key));

return {
// loads property `example` from TOML files or `/[envName]/example` from AWS Secret Manager
example: tomlAndSecretManager('example')