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3 minutes guide

This quick guide will show you how to setup basic configuration for database, load it from the app and display from CLI.


This guide uses commonjs javascript modules but you can use typescript or ecma script modules as well.


npm install @pallad/config @pallad/config-cli

Create config file

Config file should define a function that creates an object with your entire configuration. You can define static values that will never change or providers that are responsible for retrieving values from other sources like env, env files or ssm.


const {env} = require('@pallad/config');

modules.exports = function createConfig() {
return {
database: {
hostname: env('DATABASE_HOSTNAME'),
port: 5432,
username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME').secret(),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD').secret()


Once shape of your configuration shape is defined you can load the final object.


If your app uses asynchronous providers then you need to use loadAsync instead but it's not that simple. See usage section for more information.

const {createConfig} = require('./config');

const config = loadSync(createConfig())
// your config is available
// in case of error `loadSync` throws an error

Display config in CLI

Run CLI with location of a file that exports config (-c)

pallad-config -c ./src/config.js

You should see something like this

Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_HOSTNAME,
"password": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_PASSWORD,
"port": 5432,
"username": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_USERNAME,

As you see not all env variables are defined. Let's define them just for testing purposes.

DATABASE_PASSWORD=superSecret123! \
pallad-config -c ./src/config.js
Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": "localhost",
"password": **SECRET** (secret),
"port": 5432,
"username": **SECRET** (secret),

Much better!

Secret values are not visible by default. In order to show them you need to add --revealSecrets flag.

DATABASE_PASSWORD=superSecret123! \
pallad-config -c ./src/config.js --revealSecrets
Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": "localhost",
"password": "superSecret123!" (secret),
"port": 5432,
"username": "my-username" (secret),

Extracting configuration type (optional)


This step applies to typescript codebase only.

You can extract type from your configuration.

import {ResolvedConfig, env} from '@pallad/config';

export function createConfig() {
return {
database: {
hostname: env('DATABASE_HOSTNAME'),
port: 5432,
username: env('DATABASE_USERNAME').secret(),
password: env('DATABASE_PASSWORD').secret()

export type Config = ResolvedConfig<ReturnType<typeof createConfig>>;

Then use it later in the app

function connectToDatabase(config: Config['database']) {
config.hostname // typescript likes 👍
config.unknownProperty // typescript not like 👎