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Synchronous provider that sources variables from envfiles. In order to use it you need to create a helper to tell which envfiles to use.

But first... installation

npm install @pallad/config-envfile

Creating envfile helper.

import {envFileProviderFactory} from '@pallad/config-envfile';

const envFile = envFileProviderFactory({
files: ['.env'] // loads ".env" from current working directory

envFile('FOO') // uses `FOO` variable from ".env" file

// converts to int

// converts it to int, if not available uses: 1000


import {envFileProviderFactory} from '@pallad/config-envfile';

const envFile = envFileProviderFactory({
files: [
// ignores if does not exist
{path: 'development.env', required: false},
// additionally loads production envfile and overrides all variables with same name defined in previous files
{path: 'production.env', required: false},
'.env' // requires file to exist
cwd: '../config', // custom working directory - default process.cwd

Populating to ENV

Variables loaded from ENV files are not applied to process.env by default.

You can however populate them by calling populateToEnv

const envFile = envFileProviderFactory({
files: [
// ignores if does not exist
{path: 'development.env', required: false},
// additionally loads production envfile and overrides all variables with same name defined in previous files
{path: 'production.env', required: false},
'.env' // requires file to exist
cwd: '../config', // custom working directory - default process.cwd

envFile.populateToEnv(); // populates all loaded variables to process.env

// populates only the ones that satisfy the predicate
envFile.populateToEnv((key) => {
return key === 'AWS_REGION';