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CLI allows you to display and/or validate your configuration. You can run this command with different options (like env variables, environment indicators) to test configuration in different conditions.

Installation first

npm install @pallad/config-cli

Example usage

pallad-config -c ./src/config.mjs


Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": "localhost",
"password": **SECRET** (secret),
"port": 5432,
"username": **SECRET** (secret),

Specifying configuration file

Loads configuration shape defined as default export.

pallad-config -c ./src/config.js

Uses createConfig function (that suppose to return configuration shape) as configuration source.

pallad-config -c ./src/config.js -p createConfig

Loading typescript file

Node.js itself cannot load typescript files therefore you need to use ts-node (or others). See ts-node documentation for more details.

NODE_OPTIONS='-r ts-node/register' pallad-config -c ./src/config.ts

Revealing secrets

All secrets (marked as .secret()) are by default hidden. You can reveal them by using --revealSecrets flag.

pallad-config -c ./src/config.js --revealSecrets
Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": "database.internal",
"password": "$ecretPa$$w0rd" (secret),
"port": 5432,
"username": "admin" (secret),

Display modes


Default mode in which values and errors are displayed

Example output with errors

Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_HOSTNAME,
"password": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_PASSWORD,
"port": 5432,
"username": Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_USERNAME,

Example output without errors

Object {
"database": Object {
"hostname": "database.internal",
"password": **SECRET** (secret),
"port": 5432,
"username": **SECRET** (secret),


Displays only errors. Useful for CI/CD pipelines to quickly check whether configuration is valid and prevent logging configuration.

    ConfigError: Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_USERNAME
Code: E_CONF_2
ConfigError: Value not available: ENV: DATABASE_PASSWORD
Code: E_CONF_2


Displays nothing even in case of failure. Use exit code to check whether loading was successful.

Exit code

CLI uses exit code 1 when loading configuration fails, otherwise returns 0.

CLI options

Display config created with @pallad/config

$ pallad-config -c <value> [--revealSecrets] [-d none|fails-only|all] [-p <value>]

-c, --config=<value> (required) Path to the file with configuration
-d, --display=<option> [default: all]
<options: none|fails-only|all>
-p, --configProperty=<value> Name of property, from config module, to use for configuration shape. If not provided
`default` or module main export will be used.
--revealSecrets Reveal secret values from @pallad/secret