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Multitenancy is more complex problem for access control than system without it. That is even more complex problem once advanced multitenancy model is involved.

This article show basic implementation of access control of multitenancy system where data belongs to workspaces. An user belongs to a single workspace, and we want to ensure that the user operates within its own workspace.

Access Control Elements

System supports following principals:

  • anonymous
  • authenticated
  • impersonated - when admin user impersonates as someone else

This could be represented by following structures.

import {Principal as _Principal} from '@pallad/access-control';

export type Principal = Principal.ImpersonatedUser | Principal.User | _Principal.Anonymous;
export namespace Principal {
export class User {
readonly kind = 'principal';
readonly type = 'user';

constructor(readonly id: number, readonly workspaceId: number) {

export class ImpersonatedUser {
readonly kind = 'principal';
readonly type = 'impersonated-user';

constructor(readonly impersonatorUsername: string, readonly targetUser: User) {

Now we need to represent subjects and we're going to use @pallad/entity-ref for it.

import {createFactory} from "@pallad/entity-ref";
export namespace Subject {
export const Article = createFactory(
(id: number, workspaceId: number) => ({id, workspaceId})

export const Workspace = createFactory(
(id: number) => ({id})


For policy definition we're going to use createPolicy from AccessQueryPreset for better type hints and filtering out all queries we do not care about.

import {AccessControl} from '@pallad/access-control';
import {AccessQueryPreset, Principal, Subject} from './AccessQuery';

const accessControl = new AccessControl();
.createPolicy(({action, subject, principal}) => {
// everyone can read
if (action === 'read') {
return true;

// for impersonated and authenticated user allow only if actions are run against same workspace
const workspaceId = ? :;
if (principal instanceof Principal.ImpersonatedUser) {
// and impersonated user can't publish
return workspaceId === principal.targetUser.workspaceId && action !== 'publish';
} else if (principal instanceof Principal.User) {
return workspaceId === principal.workspaceId;


According to good practices we're no longer using access control checks at endpoint level but moving them to service.

Truncating for brevity - full code available here.

export class ArticleService {
constructor(private accessControl: AccessControl,
private aclHelper: ACLHelper,
private articleRepository: ArticleRepository) {

async findAll(principal: Principal) {
const scope = this.aclHelper.assertScopeWorkspaceForPrincipal(principal);
const subject = Subject.Workspace.fromScope(scope);
await this.accessControl.assertIsAllowed(
AccessQueryPreset.Article.canRead(subject, principal)

const canReadDraft = await this.accessControl.isAllowed(
AccessQueryPreset.Article.canReadDraft(subject, principal)

return this.articleRepository.findAll(scope, {
onlyPublished: !canReadDraft

async create(principal: Principal, input: Article.Input) {
const scope = this.aclHelper.assertScopeWorkspaceForPrincipal(principal);
const subject = Subject.Workspace.fromScope(scope);
await this.accessControl.assertIsAllowed(
AccessQueryPreset.Article.canCreate(subject, principal)
return this.articleRepository.create(scope, input);

async update(principal: Principal, id: number, input: Article.Input) {
const scope = this.aclHelper.assertScopeWorkspaceForPrincipal(principal);

const article = this.articleRepository.assertById(scope, id);
await this.accessControl.assertIsAllowed(
AccessQueryPreset.Article.canUpdate(Subject.Article.fromEntity(article), principal)

return this.articleRepository.update(scope, id, input);

Repository scopes

You might notice the concept of scope.

Scope is a note for repository to filter out all records outside of tenancy scope. For example passing new ScopeWorkspace(1) is telling repository to operate only on records from workspaceId = 1.

Think about it:

  • You can try to find article by id from other workspace but scope will filter it out.
  • You can try to update someone else article but again - scope will filter it out

Scope should be obtained based on principal and if that is not possible it might suggest the operation should not be available for given principal.

Unsafe global scope

Example repository contains example of ScopeUnsafeGlobal

export class ScopeUnsafeGlobal {
readonly kind = 'scope';

readonly type = 'unsafe-global';
static INSTANCE = new ScopeUnsafeGlobal();

constructor() {

This kind of scope should be used in rare cases where repository should not filter out records but rather allow to work on all of them.

You might ask - why?

Why not making scope optional?

class ArticleRepository {
delete(scope: ScopeWorkspace | undefined, id: number) {


Due to reasons...

  • to avoid potential mistakes (scope not obtained correctly?)
  • to give a reminder for developer that it is dangerous operation

Calling articleRepository.delete(undefined, 1) comes too easy but articleRepository.delete(ScopeUnsafeGlobal.INSTANCE, 1) gives necessary hint that you need to think twice before committing it.


Matrix testing? Anyone? Here is the example


Full code is available here